There will be no contact information as far as this site is concerned. Any emails about this site/hashtag will not be returned. For more details, please check out this article on Buzzzfeed.
While we’re on Twitter / Facebook / Instagram / Tumblr, we are not currently active on these platforms. They will be kept online for as long as possible.
If you would like to know what this project/hashtag/call-to-action is about, here’s a dated tumblr post about this:
Everything holds up, except for the Call-To-Action as it is no longer quarterly. As of March 6, 2019, this is an annual call-to-action as our last quarterly celebration was in 2018. The last two Blackout Days fell on March 6th, 2019 and 2020. We called a #BlackoutDay on May 31, 2020 in an attempt to revive the CTA.
If you would like to contact the two co-founders about anything non-BlackoutDay related or you just want to follow them, you can reach them on twitter, @marsincharge or @nukirk.
Thank you for supporting this hashtag throughout 2015-2020. It’s been an honor.